The Cadiz Water Project is SAFE for the Desert and SAFE for
local water rates. Protecting Southern California's economy
makes life SAFE for local families and businesses.

Safe For Future Water Rates

Participation in the Cadiz Water Project protects Southern California water customers from future dramatic water rate increases. Our region’s primary water supplier, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD), has raised its rates more than 75 percent in the last five years and plans for even greater increases moving forward. According to one of the largest retail water agencies in Southern California, "Purchasing water from MWD is going to be substantially more expensive in the future and buying water from Cadiz will not only stabilize water costs to [our] customers, but help ensure supply reliability as well."

Safe for the Desert Environment

Volumes of environmental studies found the project will avoid any significant impacts to desert resources, including mountain springs, bighorn sheep and other animals, desert plants, and water and air quality. And a robust monitoring program will ensure the project remains safe and sustainable. Lawsuits challenging the findings of these studies and the viability of the monitoring project were either dropped or dismissed by a Superior Court judge, who found no merit to any of the arguments made against the Project's Environmental Impact Report and groundwater management plan.

Safer Water Supplies Mean Less Economic Risk

The Cadiz Water Project will improve local water supply reliability and reduce the demand for imported water from the Sacramento Delta and Colorado River, which are limited by drought and regulatory restrictions. Water from Cadiz is a hedge against the economic impact of a failure in the Delta caused by a modest earthquake, which is projected at upwards of $16 billion. This is Southern California water put to use here in Southern California.

Safer Water Supplies Improve the Regional Economy

A reliable supply of water is necessary for business to grow. The Cadiz Water Project will provide greater certainty the water needs of Southern California businesses - and the people they serve - will be met into the future. According to leading business experts, improved confidence in our water future is a major component needed for our region's economic recovery.

Safer Water Supplies Improve the Southern California Environment

The pumps that move water from Northern California to Southern California are the largest energy users in the state. Reduced reliance on distant water supplies will help manage California's energy demands and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Safer Water Supplies Lead to Healthy Southern California Families

The water within the Cadiz groundwater basin has been untouched by industry or commerce, producing a resource that is of very high water quality. It meets nearly all state and federal water quality standards without treatment, and slightly elevated levels of Chromium-6 will be treated on-site to well below State and Federal levels before Cadiz water is put into the Metropolitan Water District's distribution system. The water's very low salt content will improve water quality in the Colorado River Aqueduct, which suffers from high salt content. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has estimated that high salinity causes more than $350 million a year in damage within the lower basin of the Colorado River.

In 2009 alone, UC experts estimated water shortages caused by drought and regulatory requirements cost California’s economy more than $1 billion and over 35,000 jobs.

"Businesses and our region’s economic health are dependent on an abundant and reliable water supply."
-- Tracy Rafter, CEO of BizFed

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